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Email marketing is a great way to reach large amounts of people with low costs. Getting people to sign up may prove to be quite difficult, but be patient, they will come.

Getting started. When first starting, acquiring new people will be your hardest task. Try adding a call to action button on your website in order to get people to sign up. If a call-to-action button alone is not enough, try to add a benefit to signing up, like an exclusive offer for those who sign up. You can also continue to send exclusive offers through your email marketing campaign. Be straight to the point and tell them what exactly you’re going to send in these emails.

Get whitelisted. If you want your emails to end up in the inbox and not in the spam folder, it is crucial to get whitelisted. This means that by being added to a person’s contacts, you are guaranteed to end up in their inbox, even if you would have been spammed otherwise.

Follow up. Sending the first email right after signing up is perfect for grabbing and keeping people’s attention. Using email marketing software, you can automate the program to send the first email to people right after they sign up. This email should include what you plan on sending for the following emails to give them an idea of why they signed up.

Is it working? Due to the strict quantifiable analytics behind email marketing, it becomes one of the easiest ways to see the progress made. With email marketing software, you are able to see how many people opened the email and even clicked on the link. Over time, you can use this to see how changes to your emails affect the click percentages.

Is this right for my business? Email marketing campaigns can be right for any business. With more than 70 percent of revenue being a direct result of email marketing, it is an essential for any business looking to get started.

With the simplicity behind email marketing and the large revenue that it can  bring, an email campaign can be a perfect fit for your business, so give it a try!


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