Make your webinar worthwhile with the following tips on providing meaningful incentives:
- Make sure you have a good reason to invite people to spend an hour or two of their already overloaded workdays. Develop a list of potential topics, narrow it down and make a selection based on popular vote.
- Focus on highly trainable content. Can participants walk away with an immediate skill or the tools needed to acquire an expertise? Is your webinar content objective enough for all the participants?
- Talk back and talk through. Recruit skilled webinar moderators that can incite dialogue amongst participants. Allow room for real time questions to become integrated into the webinar discussion. The questions may prompt the need for an additional webinar. This is a win-win!
- Connect People. Your presenters and participants have an interest in expanding their networks and learning from one another. Make that an easy task by disseminating contact information prior to and throughout the webinar, so that if the need arises for more elaborate conversations, introductions are already established.
- Incentivize Engagements. Allow participants to demonstrate mastery with the use of short quizzes or points toward bigger prizes, like one-on-one consultations with industry leaders or certificates of completion towards their professional development goals. Leverage the use of social media with a special hashtag to garner more interest.